“the X Friends”, Episode X (aka 10) of The Gospel Friends

“the X Friends”
Episode X (aka 10) of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

“I am the worst pastor that ever lived…”


The Undercard

Game: Finish That Proverb


The Main Event

5 Easy Steps to a Shallow Christian Life, Chase

Stop Outsourcing Child Welfare, Nick

Yay or Nay, David


Question of the Week:

Are you in favor of a church having 1 traditional and 1 contemporary service? Why or Why not?

Emily LaVigne @Mumlavigne · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends if the church has two distinctive demographics where the congregation would be better served with such, then yes.
Marusha @Marusha76 · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Against, because church isn’t about preferences but to serve God in pleasing and acceptable ways together.
Killer Tortilla @killerTortilla · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Generally, no. Feels like two different churches in the same building. Focus on ensuring music is doctrinally sound.
Michael Robinson @wm_robinson · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Im not in favor of it or against it. It just seen to work well. One usually overtakes the other.
Fr. Eddie Green @EdwardBGreen · Jul 31
@Marusha76 @mygospelfriends Matthew 13:52. But ideally together. Obviously high mass with a worship band is my ‘tradition’.
Desiree Johnson @mrsangrygrandma · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends I prefer a blended service. However, I’m not against two services. It’s not a heart issue, just one of musical taste.
Chris Land @jchrisland · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends That does not show unity in a church whatsoever. So I am not for it.
Caretaker Man ‏@baptistfixer Aug 1
@mygospelfriends @Marusha76 I’m not a fan but as long as there is enough time between the two for me to do my thing without crying in pain..
Caretaker Man‏@baptistfixer
@mygospelfriends @Marusha76 …seriously though, i second @Marusha76 . To aim worship @ congregants is abhorrent in the extreme.
Michael Woodard @RMichaelWoodard · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends I’m Ok with it. Today’s traditional was yesterday’s contemporary. Just keep Creator the focus, not creature.
Stephen Bowen ن @countryboy7477 · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends I spoke at a church that did this. It seemed to separate the elders & youth. Bad idea in my view but was working for them.
Desiree Johnson @mrsangrygrandma · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends @wadehowelljr some chrchs need 2 svc bc of size. If it makes sense to have 2 styles & still come together in service, ok


Listener Feedback

David – shout out to @ElijiahT
Once I catch up on all of the @mygospelfriends’ podcasts, maybe i’ll give timely feedback and win a box of honeycomb. (Also – as a soon to be podcaster, I’m a big fan of the show. I just need to set up my own hall of dogma AND also suggested Samus Aran as a ‘modestly dressed’ heroine)
@baptistfixer (caretaker man) for his iTunes review. (David’s Challenge to CareTaker Man)
Dan’s Call. Natalie’s comment.
@iamsuperdad called David, David Mctonguetwist)
@anonchurchmembr Guys I love the podcast. I feel like I am listening to myself talk to me. If that makes any sense. It’s a good thing.
Jon Lorbacher @Jon_Lorbacher · 18h @jdavidmcconnell @mygospelfriends no problem. I greatly appreciate what you guys are doing. Sure makes the workday go by quicker!

From Tony Staley:
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask your take on a subject close to my heart. We tweeted back and forth about the Warcraft movie and I would like to know your opinion on RPGs and MMOs.
My wife and I played Warcraft for a few years. We tried not to play while my son was up, but we played a lot after bedtime, 2 – 3 hours a day. We decided to quit when our second child was on the way. For multiple reasons, but primarily time, money and we did feel that the theme was potentially opening a door for demonic activity in our home, as our son did seem to be dealing with fear issues that have since resolved.
I have recently started playing hearthstone for 30 – 60 minutes every couple days and the movie is coming out in the next couple years, so what is your take?
@tonystaley on twitter.


The Aftershow

More (Interesting Church Signs)


Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

The Gospel Friends, Episode 3 “Happy Father’s Day”

The Gospel Friends
Episode 3 “Happy Father’s Day”
Listener Callout

From Matt Redmond, who believed that our music taste from last week’s show was horrible and asked us to recommend some non-mainstream Christian music. Some names mentioned by the panel: Mat Kearney, Matt Papa, Bill Mallonee, Jason Upton,  Dustin Kensrue, Phil Wickham, Evan Wickham, Sam Knowles, Shawn Lombard and that new cutting edge artist that all the kids are talking about: George Beverly Shea!

Matt Papa’s The Reward of His Suffering Video. A fantastic song that will deeply spark you for evangelism and missions. May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering!!!

What’s On Tap?
The Undercard

Are You Guys Drunk?
Un-Friendly Times at Friendly Baptist
Game of the Week: Catholic Word Association
The Main Event

Theology Nerds, Chase
How do you pronounce the Early Church Father’s name?  AW*-GUS-TEEN OR AW-*GUS*-TIN?

Second Largest Religion in Each State

Charismatic Teaching is breeding spiritual havoc….or is it?
Greek alert: When did Satan fall?
Take it or Leave It, Nick
Rachel Held Evans alleges that Jared Wilson’s post on married sex crossed the line and used the language of abuse when describing the pursuit of the wife by the husband. (CLICK HERE)  AND, Jessa Duggar picture of her holding an “assault” squirrel gun, stirs controversy. (CLICK HERE)

Fail of the Week, David
The Great Cider-pocolypse of 2014, in which members of our church were mercilessly poisoned by some rancid apple cider. (Warning: lots of vomiting)
The Aftershow
Listener Feedback

@Angry_Code asks ‘On canned sermons, should we also expect our youth and children’s pastors to not use canned curriculum? Or is that different?’
Really Bad Church Names

The Gospel Friends – Pilot, “Welcome to the Hall of Dogma”


In a world where heresy blankets the airwaves, religious stuffed-shirts suck the life out of Sunday morning, and prosperity teachers rob grandmothers of their pensions, three unassuming ministers endeavor to shine the light of Biblical theology and put the fun back in fundamentalism…