The Gospel Friends, Episode 7 “Where’s the Cap’n?”

The Gospel Friends
Episode 7, “Where’s the Cap’n?”
Where is Chase?
What’s On Tap?
Are You Guys Serious?
Dead or Meditating?
The Undercard
Game: Chick Flick Movie Quotes Quiz
The Main Event

Andy Stanley “The Bible Says” or “Paul Says”

Matt Walsh, the Pot Stirrer

Christians and Substance Abuse
@greshharbuck on Twitter
From the Hall of Dogma

Geek Out, Marvel vs. DC

Speaking in Tongues: is it a necessary part of Salvation? from Robert Johnson
The Aftershow

Anything Goes Church Service
Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird


The Gospel Friends, Episode 3 “Happy Father’s Day”

The Gospel Friends
Episode 3 “Happy Father’s Day”
Listener Callout

From Matt Redmond, who believed that our music taste from last week’s show was horrible and asked us to recommend some non-mainstream Christian music. Some names mentioned by the panel: Mat Kearney, Matt Papa, Bill Mallonee, Jason Upton,  Dustin Kensrue, Phil Wickham, Evan Wickham, Sam Knowles, Shawn Lombard and that new cutting edge artist that all the kids are talking about: George Beverly Shea!

Matt Papa’s The Reward of His Suffering Video. A fantastic song that will deeply spark you for evangelism and missions. May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering!!!

What’s On Tap?
The Undercard

Are You Guys Drunk?
Un-Friendly Times at Friendly Baptist
Game of the Week: Catholic Word Association
The Main Event

Theology Nerds, Chase
How do you pronounce the Early Church Father’s name?  AW*-GUS-TEEN OR AW-*GUS*-TIN?

Second Largest Religion in Each State

Charismatic Teaching is breeding spiritual havoc….or is it?
Greek alert: When did Satan fall?
Take it or Leave It, Nick
Rachel Held Evans alleges that Jared Wilson’s post on married sex crossed the line and used the language of abuse when describing the pursuit of the wife by the husband. (CLICK HERE)  AND, Jessa Duggar picture of her holding an “assault” squirrel gun, stirs controversy. (CLICK HERE)

Fail of the Week, David
The Great Cider-pocolypse of 2014, in which members of our church were mercilessly poisoned by some rancid apple cider. (Warning: lots of vomiting)
The Aftershow
Listener Feedback

@Angry_Code asks ‘On canned sermons, should we also expect our youth and children’s pastors to not use canned curriculum? Or is that different?’
Really Bad Church Names