“If The Captain Wore A Dress”, Episode 12 of The Gospel Friends

“If The Captain Wore A Dress”
Episode 12 of The Gospel Friends


The Cold Open

What is on Tap for today: Chase, David and Nick

5 things you never knew about Shark Week: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/14/shark-week-facts_n_5678442.html


The Undercard

Game: Star Wars or Batman, Nick


The Main Event

Discussion on Cults, Chase
Voicemails from Caretaker Man and Jared

“Tebowing the SEC”, Nick

Discussion on Depression, David
From Rick Warren: http://pastors.com/robin-williams-shows-sermon-think/

Robin Williams’ Death an Opportunity to Look at Depression in the Scriptures


Listener Feedback

jasongarris (@jasongarris) @mygospelfriends First time listener, first time caller: “PLORP!” (Tons of fun gentlemen – thanks)

Chris Susskin ‏@csusskin  31m @jdavidmcconnell Caught the VERY end of the podcast. Ha. You are in good company tripping over my name. Definitely a fan of @mygospelfriends

Rachel Cathey (@journeyofchuck) Gr8 show this week @mygospelfriends! Loved your take on Driscoll and accountability in ministry! Also, mega curious about chase’s dog story!

Jonathan (@jpboogie2381) @mygospelfriends enjoyed the Driscoll episode. The band was the Safeties. Back in the Slacker 66 / Crush days.

Jones Podcasting (@jonespodcasting) (Chris Jones) @mygospelfriends I enjoy how you jump from serious to silly and back again. It relieves the tension. Great podcast! Keep it up!

Chris stuttard ‏@ChrisStuttard  7h @mygospelfriends just listened to 8,9,10. Loved your attitude towards Driscoll situation. Also batman is Armenian.

VM from David’s Biggest Fan

If Chase Wore a Dress


Shout Out to Jared Buckley from our discussion on cults:




Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/