“Chase Loves Putin”, Episode 40 of The Gospel Friends

“Chase Loves Putin”
Episode 40 of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

WWYT?!?, David


The Main Event

Does Your Youth Ministry Mess With Christ’s Bride?, Chase

Andy Stanley: “Following Jesus, even if you don’t know him, you will have a better life”, David


Hall Monitor


Listener Feedback



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our into music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

Special thanks to Jeff Hendricks (@FunkyStickman) for our outro music – “Jesus Is A Friend of Mine (Remix)”
Website: http://soundcloud.com/notentirelyunlikechiptune/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/notentirelychip/