“I Want To Hug You Like A Japanese Chair”, Episode 19 of The Gospel Friends

“I Want To Hug You Like A Japanese Chair”
Episode 19 of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

What Were You Thinking?!? Global Edition


The Undercard 

Chase’s Bible Quiz


The Main Event

From Bean: The role of Serving in the Christian life; the Biblical command to serve (David)
This recent New York Times piece (http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/24/treating-homeless-people-like-criminals/?_php=true&_type=blogs&ref=opinion&_r=0) discusses the recent trend of local municipalities attempting to outlaw homelessness in what I would consider the worst way possible. Why isn’t the church more concerned with this sort of thing? How should the church respond, and how do The Gospel Friends feel about the homeless being treated in this manner?

Big Deal or Little Deal? (Chase)

Muslim Prayer penalized and Max Lucado’s support

Gordon College to lose accreditation

10 Bad Reasons to Be a Pastor (Nick)


Listener Feedback

Shout out to Rob W. Johnson for defending the faith on his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/rwjohnson90?fref=ufi RE: Ravi Z and the problem of evil.

Let There Be Movies ‏@LetThereBMovies
@mygospelfriends Ep. 17, that constipated joke really blocked up the whole flow of the conversation…

Oldpaths Guide (@oldpathsguide)
@mygospelfriends Terrific! Thanks so much for the biblical faithfulness addressing a controversial (in some camps) issue.

FunkyStickman (@FunkyStickman)
@mygospelfriends On a scale of 1 to 10, your Southern Drawl Index (collectively) is about a 3-4. @FunkyStickman So, scientifically speaking, who would you say is the drawliest? @mygospelfriends Well…. would have to say David. Nick and Chase only draw out their R’s a little. O_o

Church Member Anon (@Anonchurchmembr)
@mygospelfriends Thanks for the shout out on the podcast. @mygospelfriends I really enjoyed this week’s episode. Probably . your best to date. BTW it’s not a drawl…it is an accent you guys do have.

Megan Lindley (@MeganLindley3)
@mygospelfriends LOL… I’m only 11 minutes into podcast episode 18 and I really, really want to help y’all out!#painful #whereisDutchat

Superdad (@IamSuperdad)
@mygospelfriends If I could print out the picture in my mind of Chase at the beach, you would forever know him as Aquaman as I do.

Jones Podcasting (@jonespodcasting)
@mygospelfriends Listening to your latest episode at your state ranking list. I live in Texas and have tweeted you before.

Depressed Christian (@DepressedXian)
@mygospelfriends Your southern twangs brighten my day From deepest black to darkest grey.


The Aftershow

Chase, why is Janet selling furniture on FB?



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Not Entirely Unlike Chiptune, with acknowledgement to In Living Color, for our music this week